Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Saturday I was in a wedding.  I was the ring bearer-- the BRIDE ring bearer.  I held a little boy's hand.  I used my Halloween dress from when I was a bride on Halloween two years ago. 

We have been friends with the bride for three years now.  We met her in Pinchinat.  She introduced us to the groom.  I don't know how they met. 

My sister, Wildarne, was the flower girl with a girl from the bride's family.  The other girl's name was Widline. 

The bride's name was Kameta and the groom's name was Jephte, but everyone calls him, "Mono."  I don't remember what the little boy's name was.

That's all for now!

Love Nia


  1. Thanks for sharing this Nia! The wedding photos are beautiful and I love the new look of your blog!

  2. I thought that dress looked familiar! And now I remember you showing it to me while we were visiting! When it stops raining here, I am going to give you a call! I LOVE YOU! Grandma
