Just wanted to be a little baby-ish.
Ha ha ha!
A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents' culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCK's life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My families birthdays
Gwenn April 2 1977
Nick December 27 1979
Fritzie September 5 1994
Jean louis December 1 1997
Yves Feubruary 24 1998
Sannni July 11 2001
Jerry December 5 2001
Prisca June 6 2002
Nia July 1 2003
Wildarne September 11 2003
Nico November 18 2004
Manita July 20 2006
Josiah June 1 2007
Nick December 27 1979
Fritzie September 5 1994
Jean louis December 1 1997
Yves Feubruary 24 1998
Sannni July 11 2001
Jerry December 5 2001
Prisca June 6 2002
Nia July 1 2003
Wildarne September 11 2003
Nico November 18 2004
Manita July 20 2006
Josiah June 1 2007
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Really Funny Thing
Yesterday I was playing the game 20 Questions.
The game 20 Questions is when someone thinks of a person and then another person asks the person who is thinking of a person questions about him or her. And then, after 20 Questions that they asked, they try to guess the person. So one day, I was playing 20 Questions with my mom and--you know our security who name is Daniel or Black?--my mom was thinking of a person and I was asking her questions about it. And I said: "Is he black?"--BUT I was saying the color black, is his skin black. So my mom thought it was the person Black. Then I told her what I really meant. We laughed and laughed!
love nia
The game 20 Questions is when someone thinks of a person and then another person asks the person who is thinking of a person questions about him or her. And then, after 20 Questions that they asked, they try to guess the person. So one day, I was playing 20 Questions with my mom and--you know our security who name is Daniel or Black?--my mom was thinking of a person and I was asking her questions about it. And I said: "Is he black?"--BUT I was saying the color black, is his skin black. So my mom thought it was the person Black. Then I told her what I really meant. We laughed and laughed!
love nia
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New things in my life.
Like new security guards. And new toys. And a new light. Let me explain them all.
First is the new security guards. We have 3. Their names are Daniel (who is also called Black), Rodler, and Nene. Nene comes in the night. Daniel comes in the day and night sometimes. Rodler comes in the day, never at night.
I drew this picture for Daniel/Black because he's nice. In the picture we are walking on a bridge. The car is not about to hit us because it is going slowly. And also since Black is there, he is there to protect me so he won't let a car hit me.

The second new thing is my doll. For a long time (since I was 2) I had a doll named Jessica. BUT, her arm fell off. Not actually FELL off, Nico and Josiah pulled it off. Brothers! Well Nico and Josiah like dolls, why did they do that to my doll? Nico asked if he could have the one that he pulled the arm off. I said yes because I don't want it. It's dumb to have a doll with no arm.
My new doll's name is a secret. But I bet if ONE person in the whole wide world could guess, it would be Granddad. Does that give you a hint?
The third thing is my new light. Nosega put it on the wall for me. Can you believe I lived in a room with no light for 11 months? And now it is better for guests because they use my room and now my room has more light. They don't need to have the bathroom light on now to make light in the room.

Ta Da!

That's all for now.
Next on my blog, I will have more stuff to say.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The time without blogging.
The time without blogging was fun. I hope you all had fun too.
Hey, I just lost two teeth. And I have three loose.
A hurricane came through Haiti. I haven't had school for a while because of the hurricane. Pinchinat got broke down a little bit during the hurricane and so I helped Daddy move the people to houses. I didn't get out of the truck though because it was raining a lot AND I was a good helper because Eddie and Daddy had a lot of phone calls. So I would yell to them and hand them their phones when they rang. Eddie got more phone calls than Daddy.

I am in Haitian school now. I really like the math in Haitian school, just like in American school.
Today I had church. I read a 10 chapter book during church. It was called, "Prilla and the Butterfly Lie." Church is kind of long so I had lots of time. Anyway, I know how to read fast now. I can read a little bit in Kreyol, but a lot in English. I am in 1st grade in Haitian school and second grade in American school. And I am learning French too.
Josiah has pink eye. When he woke up today I saw tears in his eyes and his eyes look pink now, that's why it's called pink eye. And they always have boogers in them. It's gross.
That's all for today!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Soccer Camp
Last week there was soccer camp. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Soccer camp is camp where you play soccer all day, every day. I didn't go to play soccer though. Neither did the team. We went to help with soccer camp for other children, not us.Before the soccer started, they also did a clinic.
Everyday after the kids played soccer they heard Pastor tell a story and then they ate dinner. They ate rice and hotdogs or chicken and beans. They drank juice.
I help pass out stuff.
I passed out water. One time I was so in a hurry to give out a water I slipped. I passed out juice. I passed out food. And one time I sang a song.

Everyday after the kids played soccer they heard Pastor tell a story and then they ate dinner. They ate rice and hotdogs or chicken and beans. They drank juice.
I help pass out stuff.
I passed out water. One time I was so in a hurry to give out a water I slipped. I passed out juice. I passed out food. And one time I sang a song.
Here I am passing out juice.

Singing a song.
Friday, May 28, 2010
My Alliteration book
My friends,
My alliteration book was fun to do. I finished it today. An alliteration is a sentence where each word begins with the same letter or sound.
I wrote and illustrated it. We did every letter of the alphabet in order.
Here's a few pictures from it.

Here are the alliterations I chose for each letter.
I am sad and happy that I finished the book. I am sad because I can't do it anymore. I am happy because I finished it.
My alliteration book was fun to do. I finished it today. An alliteration is a sentence where each word begins with the same letter or sound.
I wrote and illustrated it. We did every letter of the alphabet in order.
Here's a few pictures from it.

Here are the alliterations I chose for each letter.
- Annie ate an awesome apple.
- Bobby's brown bed became blue.
- Connie's cat can claw curtains.
- Donnie's dog does dishes.
- Ellie Elephant eats everything.
- Fritzie Freff feels fuzzy feathers.
- Gail gives good girls great gum.
- Henry has honey ham.
- In India, Ida ices icky iguanas.
- Joyful Jennifer jumps jelly.
- King Ken kissed kind kittens.
- Lila Loose loves ladybug's laughs.
- Mikey's mom makes more music.
- Nico's niece, Nia, naps noisily.
- Old octopi own orange olives.
- Peter Pan paints pennies pink.
- Queen Quack quilts quickly.
- Ryan ropes rare rabbits.
- Sammie sips strawberry soda.
- Tink Toodles talks tough.
- Uncle Ulysses unties underwear.
- When will William Wong want wonderful wontons?
- Xavier xrays xylophones.
- Yolanda yawns yellow yarn.
- Zachary zips zero zippers.
I am sad and happy that I finished the book. I am sad because I can't do it anymore. I am happy because I finished it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My friends,
I just found out, well, not I JUST found out, but a couple of days ago I found out I have a loose tooth. Actually, 2 loose teeth.
This is what I really wanted to talk about. It's so amazing how much teams have come. There's four that's come in the past weeks and days. Some of their names were Mia, Molly, Jack, Mr. Dave, Mrs. Vicky. Doris and Janice today. Brenda and Brittany and Amanda and Jarius. Maybe some other people from North Carolina too, but I can't remember their names.
We're having good times with them being here. One group made screens for the windows in the orphanage. Another group checked our teeth and taught a class on how we can brush our teeth properly.
It's kind of good having a lot of teams here because I don't get to speak English a lot and I am forgetting my English. That's bad. Sometimes I forget some English words and I can only remember what they are in Kreyol and then I have to ask mommy to remind me what they are in English. So I really like teams because I can practice my English.
I can't think of anything else to say about teams.
Love, Nia
I just found out, well, not I JUST found out, but a couple of days ago I found out I have a loose tooth. Actually, 2 loose teeth.
This is what I really wanted to talk about. It's so amazing how much teams have come. There's four that's come in the past weeks and days. Some of their names were Mia, Molly, Jack, Mr. Dave, Mrs. Vicky. Doris and Janice today. Brenda and Brittany and Amanda and Jarius. Maybe some other people from North Carolina too, but I can't remember their names.
We're having good times with them being here. One group made screens for the windows in the orphanage. Another group checked our teeth and taught a class on how we can brush our teeth properly.
It's kind of good having a lot of teams here because I don't get to speak English a lot and I am forgetting my English. That's bad. Sometimes I forget some English words and I can only remember what they are in Kreyol and then I have to ask mommy to remind me what they are in English. So I really like teams because I can practice my English.
I can't think of anything else to say about teams.
Love, Nia
Friday, May 21, 2010
List of favorites
- favorite food- Macaroni and cheese
- favorite color- pink or purple
- favorite movie- Dr. Doolittle
- favorite song- Happy Day
- favorite place to be- restaurant
- favorite music group- crosspointe
- favorite brother- can't say, but the cutest brother is Josiah
- favorite sister- can't say, but the cutest sister is Wildarne
- favorite mom- my mom
- favorite dad- my dad
- favorite car- our car
- favorite toy- baby doll
- favorite game to play- Pet shop (I have had Pet Shop for 2 years)
- favorite Bible verse- Phillipians 2:4 (I only know it in Creole though)
- favorite thing to do on the weekend- crafts
- favorite sport- t-ball
- favorite teacher- can't say because my teacher right now is my mom
- favorite thing I hope to get for my birthday on July 1- craft stuff, because I am kind of like an artist
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Dear my friends,
Didn't I surprise you doing this? I was planning to do this because I wanted to trick you. No, I really wasn't planning to not do it in a long time, I just forgot.
My life has changed a lot. I don't know how much has changed, but I feel different. I feel different because I have too many people to talk to. I have to play whatever they tell me to play. These people are my sisters and brothers.
These are my brothers and sisters names:
Jean Louis- he's very funny
Jerry- he's very naughty
Fritzie- the oldest kid in the family
Yves- has had three boils on his body since we've had him
Wildarne- likes to play babies a lot
Prisca- I know how to spell her name
Nico- The same as Jean Louis
Josiah- fè dezod (makes trouble)
Then there's me. Nia Mangine. I like to do the right things.
I know how to speak Kreyol now. Like this, "blah blah blah blah." (just kidding.)
Okay. I will try to blog tomorrow. Maybe I will take some pictures. Of Haiti. Where I live.
Didn't I surprise you doing this? I was planning to do this because I wanted to trick you. No, I really wasn't planning to not do it in a long time, I just forgot.
My life has changed a lot. I don't know how much has changed, but I feel different. I feel different because I have too many people to talk to. I have to play whatever they tell me to play. These people are my sisters and brothers.
These are my brothers and sisters names:
Jean Louis- he's very funny
Jerry- he's very naughty
Fritzie- the oldest kid in the family
Yves- has had three boils on his body since we've had him
Wildarne- likes to play babies a lot
Prisca- I know how to spell her name
Nico- The same as Jean Louis
Josiah- fè dezod (makes trouble)
Then there's me. Nia Mangine. I like to do the right things.
I know how to speak Kreyol now. Like this, "blah blah blah blah." (just kidding.)
Okay. I will try to blog tomorrow. Maybe I will take some pictures. Of Haiti. Where I live.
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